
SM5 Gimmick Support

View and edit scroll and speed gimmicks directly in the editor.

Time Signature Support

Supports irregular time signatures and updates note colors accordingly.

Popup Editing

Allows for easier moving and editing of timing events.


Playtest your chart with detailed timing feedback. Supports Waterfall and FA+ timing windows.

Detailed Audio Analyzing

Detect changing BPMs and identify tricky rhythms with onset detection and a spectrogram.

Export Notedata to Lua

Completely customize how notedata is exported.

Mouse Note Placement

An alternative way to place notes by using the mouse.

Alternative Game Mode Support

Supports other gamemodes (in the future)

Advanced Audio Filtering

Includes a 7-band filter, allowing you to pick out hard to hear sounds.

Customizable Keybinds

Bind any key combo to every control in the editor.


Embed SMEditor on your website! Click here to start.

ArrowVortex Clipboard Integration

Copy and paste to and from ArrowVortex.

Open Source

Found a bug or want to add a feature? Feel free to contribute on SMEditor's GitHub page.